İspir Copper - Zinc Mine

İspir, Erzurum

İspir is connected to Erzurum province and is approximately 143 kilometers away from the city center.

Activity Plan as of 2022

It is aimed to start production with the completion of the field works, which started in March 2021, in the last quarter of 2022.

5.500.000 tons of ore

An average of 1 million tons of ore and 16 million tons of waste per year will be produced by open pit method.

1,000,000 tons capacity facility

With the flotation method, an annual average of 26 thousand tons of copper with a grade of 25% and 51 thousand tons of zinc with a grade of 52% will be produced.

400 Person Team

A team of 400 people, 162 of whom are Demir Export personnel, will add value to our country`s mining with an understanding of production in accordance with international standards in the fields of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment, which is a requirement of our corporate working culture, throughout the life of the mine.