Divriği Iron Mine

Divriği, Sivas

It is located in the southeast of Sivas, 174 km from the city center, and approximately 9 km north of the Divriği District.

Operating since 2003

Divriği Iron Enterprise started production in 2003 and continues today.

Turkey`s Top Quality Iron Ore

With an annual production capacity of 500 thousand tons, piece and powder iron ore is produced in the enterprise, and 75% of the products are exported abroad.

Annual Production Capacity of 500,000 tons

The current annual production capacity of the enterprise has increased to 500,000 tons per year with the new enrichment facility commissioned at the end of 2014.

171 Person Team

Our team of 171 people has adopted a production approach in accordance with international standards in the fields of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment, which is a requirement of our corporate working culture, and continues to offer value to our country`s mining. Together with our subcontractors, 400 people are provided with job opportunities.